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Just about killed myself playing all night

I stayed up till 2AM playing this, and just like the other two, I love this game. what an amazing artist you are in the flash world-. So what are you planning next? What have you thought about making real anime someday as a career, or working on games like Tales of Symphonia?

On the game: it almost seems like there are two many special powers, which could be a good thing since A: you've covered all the RPG elements and B: more to pick from (variety). However for some characters I found myself sticking with one power I liked best and that's what I mostly upgraded, so it depends on who you are. but the variety would probably overwhelm simple minded folks who want to play a quick flash game. For me, the more sessions the better.

Are there any monsters more powerful than those holy ice rocks? It was a real surprise when I fought them the first time, especially 2 of them! In fact, I'm trying to pass a battle against them as we speak. hahaha seriously they mean business

So yeah, this is kind of like Symphonia (the best game of all time) I'm also glad you work with Phyrnna, how did you two meet up by the way?????

And now, to finish the game, which will probably take until 2 am again X D

matt-likes-swords responds:

She PM'd me one day.

) cool

I think the water hose was a great idea. Spiders hate water hoses! At least I didn't know that before... crazy but interesting enough to keep me playing. I say less monsters but make them stronger and more detailed.

MadMastaMonkey responds:

Good idea. Thank you.

) : )

Glad to see you had a jump start in your flash submissions! Keep em up and remember; games have better replay value than flash movies, but that's just my opinion.

VoidSkipper responds:

Heh, yeah, I was almost tempted to delete the other two games before submitting this one. Once Swarm failed I took a lot of time off of making games to learn math, physics, OOP and guitar/bass guitar :P

Jesse @DeForestB

Age 36, Male



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